

    For more complex tools, Noya provides a React context-based API that offers fine-grained control over state management. The createNoyaContext function creates a set of hooks that can be used to access and modify your tool's state.

    • Call const { Provider, useValueState, ... } = createNoyaContext({ schema }) to create the context.
    • Wrap your components with a <Provider> component.
    • Access the state with the hooks provided by the context:
      • const value = useValue()
      • const value = useValue(path: string | string[])
      • const value = useValue<T>(selector: (state) => T)
      • const [value, setValue] = useValueState()
      • const [value, setValue] = useValueState(path: string | string[])
      • const setValue = useSetValue()
      • const setValue = useSetValue(path: string | string[])


    The useValueState is similar to React's useState, but it reads from the state provider. Additionally, you may specify a path to read/write a nested value.

    This hook will only trigger a re-render if the value at the specified path changes.


    There are several ways to read state using the useValue hook:

    1. Directly access the entire state using useValue()
    2. Access a specific value using useValue(path), where path is a string of dot or slash-separated keys or an array of keys.
    3. Use a selector function with useValue(selector), where selector is a function that takes the entire state and returns the value you want. This hook will only trigger a re-render if the selected value changes. When using a selector function, make sure to memoize it with useCallback to avoid unnecessary re-renders.


    The useSetValue hook provides ways to update the state. This will have better performance than using useValueState because it doesn't require re-rendering the component, so use it when you only need to update the state without reading from it.

    Path Syntax

    When accessing nested state, you can use dot or slash notation or array syntax:

    • Dot notation: "document.metadata.title"
    • Slash notation: "document/metadata/title"
    • Array syntax: ["todos", 0]

    Asset Management

    Noya provides hooks for managing assets (like images and files).

    • Call useAssets() for the full list of assets
    • Call useAsset(id) to get an asset by id.
    • Call const { createAsset, deleteAsset } = useAssetManager() to create and delete assets.

    Note that these functions are imported directly from the @noya-app/noya-multiplayer-react package, rather than returned from the createNoyaContext API.

    More details here.

    Type Safety

    The context API is fully typed based on your JSON schema, providing autocomplete and type checking for paths and values.

    Best Practices

    Context Creation

    We recommend creating a separate file for your state schema and exporting the context provider and hooks. This makes it easier to reuse the context in different parts of your app.


    1. Use the most specific path possible when reading state to minimize re-renders
    2. Memoize selector functions with useCallback