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Using Noya UI components is subject to the Noya UI License Agreement below. We're happy to answer any questions -- please get in touch if there's something you're not sure about.

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Noya UI License Agreement

This License Agreement ("Agreement") is between the individual licensee ("You") and Noya Software, Inc. ("Noya"), and comes into effect upon purchasing Noya UI.

1. Definitions

Noya UI refers to the collection of user interface designs and code authored and sold by Noya for building the user interface of web applications. It includes subsequent updates to this collection, but does not include additional collections or products that may be added in the future under a separate license.

2. Grant of License

Noya grants You a non-exclusive, perpetual license to use Noya UI. This license is valid for one person and can be used by You to build an unlimited number of web applications for personal or commercial use.

3. Modifications

You have the right to modify the designs and/or code. Any modifications will also fall under this Agreement.

4. Distribution

You are permitted to distribute the designs and/or code as part of the user interfaces of an unlimited number of web applications that You build. Distribution of the designs and/or code outside of the user interfaces of web applications that You build is not permitted. Examples of distribution that are not permitted include: 1) enabling others to use the designs and/or code to build their own web applications, 2) distributing the designs and/or code in a gallery or template, and 3) offering a website or web application builder that distributes the designs and/or code.

5. Ownership

Noya is the owner of Noya UI and the grantor of this license.

6. No Warranties and Limitation of Liability

Noya provides Noya UI 'as is', without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. Noya is not liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with Noya UI or the use of or other dealings in Noya UI. Noya’s maximum liability is the price paid for purchasing Noya UI license.

By purchasing Noya UI, You agree to the terms outlined in this Agreement.