
    Showing others your design

    Noya provides a simple way to let anyone preview your project with a link. Click on the Share button in the top right corner of your project and toggle the "Share (read only)" option to its "on" position. This will generate a share link, which you can copy and share. Anyone with this share link can see the same high-fidelity output view that you see, but they cannot edit your project.

    You can toggle this feature on or off at any time. There is no need for the viewer to have a Noya account.

    The share link will stay up to date with any changes you make in your project. If someone is using the share link while you are making edits, they can refresh the page to view the latest changes.

    Collaborating with others

    Currently, Noya projects can only be edited by the creator of the project. The best way to collaborate is to allow others to clone your project, which means making their own editable copy of your project. They can then make changes in their copy of the project. You can repeat the process, cloning the project back and forth to share drafts with each other.

    To allow someone to clone your project, start by sharing your project and then toggle the "This is a template" option to its "on" position. This permission allows anyone with your share link to clone your project.

    You can toggle this feature on or off at any time. The person you are collaborating with will need to have a Noya account in order to clone your project and edit it. They will be prompted to sign in or sign up when they clone your project.