
    Switching between views

    To switch between views, click the View button in the top right corner of your project. Then select the desired view.

    Split View

    This view splits the screen into an editable wireframe view on the left side and a high-fidelity preview on the right side. This allows you to focus on the wireframe separately from the high-fidelity output.

    You can resize the two views by dragging the vertical split bar between them. Resizing based on what feels right is important to make this view usable, so feel free to resize as frequently as you need. For example, while you are actively editing the wireframe, you may want to make the wireframe view larger. If you have a wide screen where you can see both views at 100%, you may want to make both views equally sized.

    Combined View

    This view combines the editable wireframe and the high-fidelity preview. This is a more compact view that allows you to see everything in one place. There is less distinction between the wireframe and the high-fidelity output. It lets you directly manipulate the high-fidelity output, because double clicking on a high-fidelity output element will enter its block editing mode.

    Live Preview

    This view shows you only the high-fidelity output. It is great for previewing what the final product may look like without any distractions.